69y.o. female with no past medical history, complaining of right sided neck pain for five days. Patient was seen for the same at another hospital three days ago and diagnosed with musculoskeletal pain, and muscle spasm after a negative work up. Patient was sent home with ibuprofen, valium and reglan. She states she has not felt relief with the pain medications. Patient is accompanied by two family members. Upon further questioning, the family states that the patient is very tired and has been sleeping constantly for the past three to four days. She has also had an unsteady gait and fallen several times over the same period of time. Patient denies fever, and was in a normal state of health before the neck pain began. She did hit her face once when she fell two days ago without loss of consciousness. Denies nausea, and vomiting. No focal neurologic complaints. No numbness or weakness in the face or extremities. PE showed normal vitals and normal exam except: CN 2-12 intact, motor 4/5, reflexes normal, unable to evaluate gait or finger to nose, heel to shin, because patient kept falling asleep during exam. A non-contrast Head CT was done. What is your diagnosis?
Case provided by Dr. Williams, EM-4