A 41 yo South American male presents complaining of headache since yesterday that has worsened throughout the course of the day. He had an episode of dizziness, nausea and pre-syncope that prompted him to seek medical attention. Reports 6/10 throbbing pain generalized throughout the head, not worsened by movement, laying or standing. Denies LOC, no vomiting, weakness in extremities, loss of sensation, incontinence, changes in speech, neck stiffness, fevers, nor photophobia. Denies any recent travel, immigrated from Guatemala three years ago. His exam is as follows :Temp 97.6 orally BP 156/80 HR 78 RR 18 O2sat 100% glucose 101 He is in No apparent distress. NC/AT PERRLA EOMI visual acuity 25/25 bilaterally, fundoscopic exam no apparent papilledema, no nystagmus, no sinus tenderness, oropharynx pink and moist, no neck stiffness or tenderness. AAOX3, slow to answer questions, CN II-XII grossly intact, patellar and brachioradialis reflexes 2+, gait normal, finger to nose normal, rapid alternating movement delayed, Romberg negative, no pronator drift.
Below is his CT scan of the brain without contrast. What is your diagnosis?
Submitted by Dr. Rivera- EM2